
the funniest emails that i rec'd today

first email
"I'm going to invent the cigarette that smells like something good... like potpourri or something. I want to be able to walk inside from smoking a cigarette and have someone tell me... you smell nice.... what is that... juniper breeze? I think if I can invent that... I'd be rich."

second email
"Off the subject but I had a dream that one of my front teeth fell out because I haven't been taking care of it. The dream started out with me chewing on something hard like a piece of candy. And then I felt something weird. I thought it was something stuck in between my teeth. So I was picking at it and I can feel my finger nail getting between my teeth but that uncomfortable feeling was still there. So I decided to look in the mirror to see if I was missing it. When I looked, one of my teeth was dangling. I tried to put it back and when I did... it fell off. I remember waking up at 6am this morning making sure I still had all my teeth."

can you guess who wrote these emails?
(i have a good feeling that the picture will give the answer away).

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