
chocolate fix...

my mgr and i go to the coffee/vending room to get some chocolate. a surprise treat was Cute Consultant Guy was there too. back to the story:
my preferred choice is ;
my mgr gets a . i leave first and start walking down the hallway and i know my mgr is walking right behind me so i start singing "what would you do for a" then i look behind me and its Cute Consultant Guy! he starts laughing and remarks "i had a feeling you were going to sing that". i get all embarrassed and start to laugh my nervousness away while my mgr and CCG keep laughing. it was pretty funny though because i was really singing too.

oh well. i should've replied to CCG "keep laughing so i can get an open-mouth kiss from you".



Paul said...

i almost threw up in my mouth.

Paul said...

i almost threw up in my mouth.

Paul said...

oops i think i sent my comment twice. it's ok because i felt like throwing up twice.