
config, drip, sneeze, config, sneeze, rub eyes...

im here at work, trying to finish my config so i can play tomorrow. my brother is taking me to the cubs game for our traditional birthday outing. hes back home for the long weekend. its so hard to concentrate when i have to sneeze every few minutes. my nose feels like sandpaper. what thoughts do i have to unload? im taking down my myspace. i originally had friendster and remember taking that down when myspace started up. i need to swap pics and then its time to deactivate. there goes my nose. i wish i could just put a plug in there. my neighbor is so sweet. this afternoon, she lent me her iron and ironing board. i dont iron because i just dont. my brother needed one for tonight's rehersal dinner and wasnt too happy when he found out that i dont have one...haha. good thing my neighbor was home and instantly replied to my text. ill show my appreciation by getting her a potted plant. i miss him. janet's discipline cd is pretty tight. check out track 3. heck, play all. my 10-year highschool reunion is next weekend and have been in this reminiscent mode. cant wait. should be fun. i need new argyle socks, lee-roy. :) you know what i havent done in so long? i need to pick up some fresh flowers and make a simple arrangement. i regret contacting them. tuesday was definitely a great day and its true: your birthday is really the one day where its all about you. its nice to be selfish for a day. one of my good friends is in paris right now. he arrived safely. hopefully hes doing well. tick tock, tick tock. sigh. i got first pick of the litter a couple months ago. the owner told me that snappy never "took" and is just putting on her winter weight. im pretty down/bummed about that. his name was supposed to be Bode. im going to make lemonade. back to work. go CUBS!

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