
i did it! i ran 2 miles in 24 minutes. im a virgin to "speed training". with a lot of help from my cousin, i was able to do it. for 1 min, i ran at 4.4 then the following min i ran 5.4. i did this for 2 miles straight -- no stopping. ive never ever run at a 5.4 speed (11:06 min/mile pace). since last september, i always ran a 13-14 min/mile. my cousin put me on hal higdon's running program and challenged me to increase my pace on thursday's run. the book my sis-in-law let me borrow is helping out a lot too. im just really proud of myself and i hope you're proud of my progression too. thanks archie for motivating me to start running. thanks richie for pushing me to improve. shamrock shuffle...here i come.


leeyo831 said...

tear.....hahaha. i am proud of you. just stay consistent and you'll open up a whole new world of fitness after you finish!

it helps that you're crazy-maticulous. now you can be crazy-maticulous about running!

now go eat fiber and poo clean...hahahahhahaha

leeyo831 said...

tear...i am proud of you....so far biyotch! just keep going, stay consistent, and follow the program and you'll finish the race better than you expected- promise.

keep it up and eat fiber so you can have clean poo's.....muhahahahhaa