
i got promoted from lowly i/s associate to not-so-low i/s analyst. i couldn't think of anything better at that moment. that moment was 2 years ago. yesterday, i had my annual review with my manager and found that there is something better. i got promoted to an i/s senior analyst. . i love the sound of "senior". when he told me i had earned the promotion that ive been asking for, i got up from my chair, walked around the conference table and gave him a hug. haha. i made an unexpected trip to my parent's house and took them out to dinner.

my teammate, who is 3 levels above me, also got promoted from senior specialist to lead specialist. when i found that out, i gave her a hug too. i guess promotions and huge hikes in salary get me in the hugging mood.

next agenda on the list? get new business cards. you think they'll let me use "i/s seƱora analyst" instead? i keed. i keed.

next round of drinks are on me...


ExPat in London said...

I'm never reading your blog again. =) Congrats, well deserved I'm sure.

Anonymous said...
